Shoutout to my husband...stello_fello

Some of you may have seen or read the blog that Case put out earlier this week. I will warn you that I am in no way near as good of a writer as he is, but I felt the need write back a response to all of you about him. My guy that literally can do it all. This is not a “who can top who” blog with all the mushy nonsense, but just the straight forward truth, just the way I like it. - So a shoutout to my husband...@stello_fello

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Case has always undersold himself, as much as the guy likes to look in the mirror, he is the most humble man I’ve ever met. Fast forward to 16 years ago, to a newly wed couple who were trying to figure out what married at 21 years old looked like. I hated my job and Case gave me full freedom to quit and start a styling gig with only two clients. He has believed in me since day one. 

Fast forward to 2 and a half years ago when we had a major life change and decided to shift our careers and dive head first into the insane world of blogging. I had no idea what I was doing, and was already working a full time job. Case saw an opportunity and StelloStyle was literally his idea. He saw potential and agreed to not only help me, but carry an even bigger portion of the blog than me. This is what my husband does and has never taken any credit for:

-He designed my web site

-He grew my Instagram following from 200 to 29k

-He takes ALL of my pictures

-He edits ALL of my pictures 

-He posts on Instagram for me everyday 

-He links every single item and puts all my blogs together

-Anything that involves technology he has his hands in 

-He guest blogs weekly on StelloStyle

This man who loves me and our children so, also coaches track and football at their school. He balances all his different jobs, and loves each one of them. He is not above laundry, dishes, homework, dinners, all of it. We live life to the fullest and it is one crazy ride. We do it all together, and just take turns tagging the other one in.

Get the idea? When I say I couldn’t do this without him, I’m not being nice. I’m being honest. I can’t explain what it is like to have someone so supportive and someone that has my back every single day. Don’t get me wrong, we fight, a lot. I am super demanding and require lots of communication. What makes me really good at my day job, makes me super difficult to work with on the other end. Yet we are still here, because of him. I am confident in my career, because of him. When the mom guilt takes over, he comforts me. We are a team all day, everyday. 

To all of you reading, please know that sharing these little details of our story are unplanned and  spontaneous. To my husband, you continue to amaze me with your ability to do it all.



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