OLLY Girl Multi

Having a daughter has made life such an adventure! I have people telling me all the time how much we look alike, act alike, and I sometimes have to take a step back and soak it all in. It really does’t feel that long ago when I was her age. I had just started talking about boys, taking more interest in my hair and clothes, just genuinely wanting to have more independence. 

With her school load and my work load we thrive on our daily routine. Vitamins have always been a part of our morning ritual. Now, more than ever as I see her growing taller by the second, (I mean she will easily have me beat very soon) I am even more aware of what she is putting into her body. As she gracefully continues to change and grow I love knowing that OLLY is a part of that process. We talk about everything in this house, and she knows that her vitamins make a difference! Her hair has never looked healthier, she is getting the nutrients she needs for strong nails and clear skin, and she has an abundance of energy! I want my daughter to run out the door with confidence and all the extra nutrients her body needs right now! OLLY Girl Multi gives her the additional support she needs for a strong body.

I can’t wait for the next conversation with her, can’t wait for another memory made, and I can’twait to see what life brings her way. A big thank you to OLLY for Girl Multi that helps make health a priority!

Partnering with OLLY to share another way to not only raise a healthy daughter but a healthy family! Check out OLLY.com for their full line up!



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